Thursday, August 18, 2011

Spiritual Patterns

I want to start this one off by saying, I am so grateful for a loving Heavenly Father. Sometimes we don't think Heavenly Father knows what is best for us. We want to have all the control, and we think things should come when we want them to. Heavenly Father sees the whole picture, where we do not. He knows when we need certain people or things to come into our lives. I remember before I met Corey. I was scared I would never find a husband. That trial at the time was a big test of my Faith. I wrote in my journal about a blessing I had. In the blessing it said that I would need this Faith for future trials in my life, and that I would see a pattern in this. Here I am 8 years later, and I am seeing that pattern again. So why do I fear? The last time I had a trial like this I recieved the most amazing reward, my husband. Sometimes we just need to step back and say ok Heavenly Father I trust you, and I leave this in your hands. You know whats best for me, and I need to trust that.

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