Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Our Journey

Corey and I have been married for almost 6 years. We actually met on LDS chat if you can believe it. We were friends for about 6 months, until everything changed with a challenge. My neighbor challenged me to meet Corey. I had to do it within the hour, or she said she would call him for me. The best decision of my life was taking her up on that challenge. Corey and I met at Thanksgiving point in November 2004, and became engaged on May 11th 2005. We were married in the Salt Lake temple on October 6th 2005. This was such an amazing day! Well we decided it would be best to wait for a couple of years before starting a family. We thought it would be easy, boy were we wrong.
We have been trying to start our family now for 3 1/2 years, this has had its ups and downs. Sometimes I feel like I am on an emotional rollercoaster. This is one of the hardest trials I have had in my life. It has also been a very spiritual and sort of enlightening one, if that makes sense? I think I have grown more closer to my Father in Heaven then I have before. You honestly grow so much spiritually through this. Although my heart never stops aching for a baby, I know it is in his hands. He is always been there for me, so why wouldn't he be now?
We started out on a fertilty drug called clomid, it wasn't really working though. So my doctor sent me to a fertility specialist. He did a sonogram and found what he thought was a small mass. This was so scary, because we had no idea what to expect. My doctor ordered an ultrasound and they discovered that mass they thought was small, wasn't so small. It was the size of a basketball, no I am not kidding. They had to get it out and quick. 2 weeks later I was scheduled for surgery. The surgery went very well and they were able to remove it. Now we are back on clomid, hoping that the mass was a factor in us not getting pregnant. I am so grateful to my Heavenly Father though, I can't even imagine getting pregnant and having that mass. He definitely knew that we weren't supposed to be pregnant.
So what now? Well like I said we are back on clomid, and all we can do is have Faith and leave it in our Heavenly Father's hands.
I wanted to share with you my thoughts throughout this journey in hopes that it will be a help to me through this emotional time, and also to others. This is very hard to write about, but hopefully someday I can look back on this amazing journey. Hopefully I can remember everything I have learned through this trial.