Sunday, February 23, 2014

Feeling Blessed!!!

I haven't written on here for awhile, so I decided for a New Year's resolution to start writing a post at least once a month. Obviously I missed January so I am going to try much harder to meet this goal!
     My journey to having a baby has not been easy, but one thing has always stayed constant. My Heavenly Father has always been right there on the journey with me, at time I know he has even carried me through my darkest times. He is always there at times reassuring me through my dreams, or by just entering thoughts in my mind. I have had so many spiritual experiences that  I could never doubt the love my Heavenly Father has for me.
       On Saturday I was driving to my mom's house when all of the sudden I felt this strong reassurance that he was there, and he knows what my heart desires most. He then reminded me through my thoughts some of the things I have been told through this experience. Then I recieved a scripture that really made me think.
Moroni 7:42
Wherefore, if a man have faith he must needs have hope; for without faith there cannot be any hope.

         This scripture really stood out to me, and was an answer to a prayer. Maybe just then Heavenly Father was trying to tell me, I needed to have hope again. Those two principles go hand in hand, so if I was losing Hope was I losing my Faith also? The Lord knew at that very time that my small ray of hope was dimming. He knew that my heart was starting to break all over again, and he knew what I needed. That scripture may seem small to some people, but to me it made all the difference in the world.
        I have had so many dreams lately of children lately, and those are strong reminders that the Lord is always there. He is always there, even when we don't know it! Always hold on to this Faith, and assurance that he is there. This will help you and will be a great comfort.