Thursday, August 18, 2011

Spiritual Patterns

I want to start this one off by saying, I am so grateful for a loving Heavenly Father. Sometimes we don't think Heavenly Father knows what is best for us. We want to have all the control, and we think things should come when we want them to. Heavenly Father sees the whole picture, where we do not. He knows when we need certain people or things to come into our lives. I remember before I met Corey. I was scared I would never find a husband. That trial at the time was a big test of my Faith. I wrote in my journal about a blessing I had. In the blessing it said that I would need this Faith for future trials in my life, and that I would see a pattern in this. Here I am 8 years later, and I am seeing that pattern again. So why do I fear? The last time I had a trial like this I recieved the most amazing reward, my husband. Sometimes we just need to step back and say ok Heavenly Father I trust you, and I leave this in your hands. You know whats best for me, and I need to trust that.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Growing and Learning

I know I say this every time, but I am so grateful for my friends and family! I really appreciate all the love and support they have shown me!
So far I have learned so much during this break. I have learned alot about myself. My strengths, weaknesses, and how to use some of the talents Heavenly Father has given me. It has been really nice to concentrate on other things, and not worry about the things I can't control. My husband has been amazing throughout this journey! He is my rock! This has definitely tried our marriage, but it has also made it stronger. I am so grateful Heavenly Father blessed me with such an amazing husband.
So I have also decided during this break that I want to learn some new skills. I want to learn how to make cake bites, scrapbook picture books, and crafty things for my house. I think this will be fun and get my mind off things. I also am working on a fiction novel. It has always been a dream of mine, to have a book published! So I am excited to work on making my dream come true!
I know I say this everytime, but I am so grateful for all my friends and family! They are truly amazing!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Yesterday was the 6th anniversary of my sweet Nana's death. The day we had to say goodbye to her was one of the hardest I have ever had. My Nana was always there for me. She had a heart of gold. She always gave all she had to her family. My mom tells me stories about how she was one of the first people to meet me. We had a bond that couldn't be broken. Nana would give the best hugs! You always felt her love so strongly. This may seem impossible to some, but I have seen my sweet Nana in my dreams. She brings so much comfort to me. Sometimes I can even feel her near me. She came to me in my dreams with a beautiful little girl! I knew in that second she was mine. Nana didn't have to say it in my dream. I just felt so strongly about it, I still do. Even though she isn't here physically, I know she is helping me through this journey. I still feel her love and spirit near me. What a special gift that is. I love you Nana! You will always be in my heart and thoughts. Until we meet again......

Think Positive

So I tell my friend this all the time, think positive. How can I tell her that. When right now I don't do that myself. It's always easier said then done. I am still learning through this journey. I need to learn how to think positive about this journey. I need to stop thinking that this is happening to me to punish me. I know Heavenly Father loves me. I know I am a daughter of God. This is and has always been in the Lord's hands. It will happen in his time. I need to be positive and know that he knows what is best for me right now. I am sure this journey will be alot easier to go through, if I have a more positive attitude. By thinking positive, I think it will better help me grow throughout this journey. After all, Anything worth having is never easy..